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Design projects for PR firm Interel and their client, Budweiser

A mockup that shows two print outs shoreditch design made for interel


Interel is a Public Relations company that American beer giant Budweiser hired to help expand its UK&I operations. Interel contacted Shoreditch Design to help redesign its campaign website and create bespoke documents to send out to UK constituencies about the community benefits their organisation brings. Shoreditch Design has also helped with Interel's internal design + print documents.

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Our design thinking

We designed and built a website, which allowed you to search for your postcode, and then it pulled up a bespoke report with facts, e.g. how many jobs they've provided in their area and other benefits that the Budweiser Brewing Group UK&I has brought to your area. We focused on a clean and clear UX flow with UI that spoke true to the Budweiser brand. We built each constituency page with individual infographics and graphic elements to represent the report from that area. In addition to the campaign website, we formatted and designed a total of 650 different constituency pages.

Finished product

In the end, the campaign for Budweiser Brewing Group UK&I went well, and the site is still live today. We were happy to continue our relationship with Interel and work on their internal documents.

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